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GED ANT’box concentrates
essential functions for
your collaborative work

La GED ANT’box
allie les fonctions
essentielles à votre
travail collaboratif

Some functions of the ANT’box solution as video



The grapher allows you to follow a process, contextualize an event or simply follow the different versions of a document !



Instant messaging, discussion thread on a memo, subscription or push. The box offers you various tools to encourage and facilitate collaboration.



With or without classification, easily find the information you are looking for! ANT’box offers faceted searches, indexes all texts integrated by a semantic engine.


The grapher allows you to follow a process, contextualize an event or simply follow the different versions of a document !


Instant messaging, discussion thread on a memo, subscription or push. The box offers you various tools to encourage and facilitate collaboration.


With or without classification, easily find the information you are looking for! ANT’box offers faceted searches, indexes all texts integrated by a semantic engine.

Why choose ANT’box EDM ?


The EDM ANT’box is powered by a semantic search engine designed and tested by CEA. The fruit of more than 30 years of innovation, semantic technology allows a complete analysis of the content of your documents. Thus, our search engine is able to analyze grammatical links, compound words or even named entities. In this way, ANT’box Electronic Document Management software allows you to improve information retrieval and interpretation.


The ANT’box Electronic Document Management solution comes from the nuclear world. Designed at CEA (French Commission of Nuclear Energy), reliability, robustness and safety are our daily concerns. Thanks to ANT’box EDM, you can use millions of documents without worry. Store your most confidential documents and share them securely has never been easier.

State-of-the-art search engine
Find all your documents and (re) discover information hitherto untraceable thanks to a powerful and relevant semantic search engine.
ANT’box comes from the nuclear industry, so security is part of core of our concerns in order to offer a reliable and always available solution.

Simply configurable, no special skills required, the ANT’box EDM adapts to all your present and future needs. A need evolves? No more long and expensive ad hoc developments.


La GED ANT’box est une solution Plug & Play. Fini les projets tunnels. Aussitôt installée, aussitôt opérationnelle. Quelques jours seulement suffisent pour prendre le logiciel en main.

A versatile solution
Versatile and easily customisable, ANT’box fits multiple contexts.
Productivity take-off
ANT’box is Plug & Play. Install it, use it. Done. The end of never ending projects!

State-of-the-art search engine

Find all your documents and (re) discover information hitherto untraceable thanks to a powerful and relevant semantic search engine.


ANT’box comes from the nuclear industry, so security is part of core of our concerns in order to offer a reliable and always available solution.

A versatile solution

Versatile and easily customisable, ANT’box fits multiple contexts.

Productivity take-off

ANT’box is Plug & Play. Install it, use it. Done. The end of never ending projects !

What they say about ANT’box

mauritanie flag

El Ghassem Ahmedou,

Chargé de la Coordination Gouvernementale Primature de Mauritanie.

“ANT’box has demonstrated its adaptability to various contexts and its flexibility and, in addition to the sustainability of all information for the Government, works effectively and safely every day since its installation in 2013”


CEA user,

Head of project, CEA Marcoule

“ANT’box is perfectly adapted to our needs and meets our security requirements on a highly developed intranet network. The connectors allow us to import old databases of capital for our know-how””


Elisabeth Elefant,

Professor of medicine,

Specialist in teratogens.


Le CRAT – www.lecrat.fr

“The confinement pushed us to reinvent our professional interactions. Thanks to ANT’box, we were able to maintain our team collaboration with great efficiency in teleworking. Messaging, tweets on memos, our effectiveness has not been impacted!”